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The Art of Computer Programming

The Art of Computer Programming, Volume one: Fundamental Algorithms
The cover of the third edition of volume 1
Writer(s) Donald Knuth
State United States
Language English
Genre(s) Non-fiction
Publisher Addison-Wesley
Publication appointment 1968
Media type Impress (Hardcover)
Pages 634
ISBN 0-201-03801-3

The Art of Estimator Programming (sometimes known by its initials TAOCP) is a comprehensive monograph written by Donald Knuth that covers many kinds of programming algorithms and their assay.

Knuth began the project, originally conceived as a single book with twelve chapters, in 1962. The first three of what were and then expected to be a 7-book fix were published in 1968, 1969, and 1973. The get-go installment of Volume iv (a paperback fascicle) was published in 2005. The hardback volume 4A was published in 2011. Additional fascicle installments are planned for release approximately biannually.


  • one History
  • ii Assembly language in the book
  • three Disquisitional response
  • 4 Volumes
    • 4.1 Capacity
    • four.2 Chapter outline of published volumes
    • 4.3 Outline of unpublished sections
  • 5 English editions
    • 5.ane Current editions
    • 5.two Previous editions
      • 5.2.1 Complete volumes
      • five.ii.two Fascicles
  • 6 Notes
  • 7 Footnotes
  • 8 See as well
  • 9 References
  • 10 External links


Donald Knuth in 2005

After winning a Westinghouse Talent Search scholarship, Knuth enrolled at the Case Constitute of Technology (at present Instance Western Reserve Academy), where his performance was so outstanding that the kinesthesia voted to award him a master of scientific discipline upon his completion of the baccalaureate degree. During his summer vacations, Knuth was hired to write compilers, earning more in his summer months than full professors did for an entire year.[ citation needed ] Such exploits fabricated Knuth a topic of word among the mathematics department, which included Richard South. Varga.

Knuth started to write a book about compiler blueprint in 1962, and shortly realized that the scope of the volume needed to be much larger. In June 1965, Knuth finished the first draft of what was originally planned to be a single book of twelve chapters. His paw-written first-draft manuscript (completed in 1966) was 3,000 pages long: he had assumed that about five hand-written pages would translate into one printed folio, but his publisher said instead that about 1½ mitt-written pages translated to ane printed folio. This meant the volume would be approximately two,000 pages in length. The publisher was nervous near accepting such a project from a graduate student. At this indicate, Knuth received support from Richard Southward. Varga, who was the scientific counselor to the publisher. Varga was visiting Olga Taussky-Todd and John Todd at Caltech. With Varga's enthusiastic endorsement, the publisher accustomed Knuth's expanded plans. In its expanded version, the volume would exist published in seven volumes, each with just ane or two chapters. [1] Due to the growth in the material, the plan for Volume 4 has since expanded to include Volumes 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, and possibly more than.

In 1976, Knuth prepared a second edition of Volume 2, requiring it to be typeset again, merely the manner of blazon used in the kickoff edition (called hot type) was no longer available. In 1977, he decided to spend a few months working up something more suitable. Viii years afterward, he returned with TeX, which is currently used for all volumes.

The famous offer of a reward cheque worth "one hexadecimal dollar" (100HEX base sixteen cents, in decimal, is $2.56) for any errors plant, and the correction of these errors in subsequent printings, has contributed to the highly polished and still-administrative nature of the work, long after its first publication. Another characteristic of the volumes is the variation in the difficulty of the exercises. The level of difficulty ranges from "warm-up" exercises to unsolved inquiry bug, providing a challenge for whatever reader. Knuth's dedication is too famous:

This series of books is affectionately dedicated
to the Type 650 computer one time installed at
Case Establish of Technology,
with whom I have spent many pleasant evenings. [nb ane]

Assembly linguistic communication in the volume

All examples in the books use a linguistic communication called "MIX assembly language", which runs on the hypothetical MIX computer. (Currently, the MIX computer is being replaced past the MMIX computer, which is a RISC version.) Software such as GNU MDK exists to provide emulation of the MIX architecture.

Some readers are put off by the apply of assembly language, but Knuth considers this necessary because algorithms demand to be in context in order for their speed and retention usage to exist judged. This does, however, limit the accessibility of the book for some readers who may not be familiar with assembly, or who may be unwilling to translate associates language code into a high-level linguistic communication. (A number of alternative textbooks using high-level language examples exist.)

Critical response

American Scientist has included this work among "100 or and then Books that shaped a Century of Science", referring to the 20th century, [2] and within the informatics community it is regarded as the commencement and still the best comprehensive treatment of its subject field. Covers of the third edition of Volume i quote Neb Gates as saying, "If you retrieve you're a really good programmer… read (Knuth's) Art of Computer Programming… You should definitely transport me a résumé if you can read the whole thing." The New York Times referred to it as "the profession's defining treatise". [3]


  • Volume i – Fundamental Algorithms (chapters ane and 2)
  • Volume 2 – Seminumerical Algorithms (chapters iii and 4)
  • Volume 3 – Sorting and Searching (chapters five and 6)
  • Volume iv – Combinatorial Algorithms (chapters 7 and viii released in several subvolumes)
  • Volume 5 – Syntactic Algorithms (every bit of 2011, estimated in 2020) (chapters 9 and 10)
  • Book half dozen – The Theory of Context-Complimentary Languages (planned)
  • Volume 7 – Compiler Techniques (planned)


  • Chapter i – Bones concepts (volume ane)
  • Chapter 2 – Information structures (volume ane)
  • Chapter iii – Random numbers (volume 2)
  • Chapter 4 – Arithmetic (book ii)
  • Chapter five – Sorting (volume 3)
  • Chapter 6 – Searching (volume 3)
  • Affiliate 7 – Combinatorial searching (book 4)
  • Affiliate 8 – Recursion (volume 4)
  • Chapter nine – Lexical scanning (besides includes string search and data compression) (volume 5)
  • Chapter 10 – Parsing techniques (volume 5)

Chapter outline of published volumes

  • Volume 1 – Fundamental Algorithms
    • Chapter ane – Basic concepts
      • 1.i. Algorithms
      • 1.2. Mathematical Preliminaries
        • i.2.1. Mathematical Consecration
        • one.two.ii. Numbers, Powers, and Logarithms
        • 1.2.iii. Sums and Products
        • ane.2.4. Integer Functions and Unproblematic Number Theory
        • 1.ii.5. Permutations and Factorials
        • one.two.half-dozen. Binomial Coefficients
        • Harmonic Numbers
        • i.2.eight. Fibonacci Numbers
        • one.2.9. Generating Functions
        • 1.two.10. Analysis of an Algorithm
        • 1.2.eleven. Asymptotic Representations
          • i.ii.11.ane. The O-notation
          • 1.ii.xi.two. Euler'south summation formula
          • 1.ii.xi.3. Some asymptotic calculations
      • one.three MMIX (MIX in the hardback re-create but updated past fascicle ane)
        • 1.3.1. Description of MMIX
        • i.three.ii. The MMIX Associates Linguistic communication
        • 1.iii.3. Applications to Permutations
      • 1.4. Some Fundamental Programming Techniques
        • ane.four.1. Subroutines
        • i.4.2. Coroutines
        • 1.four.3. Interpretive Routines
          • 1.4.three.i. A MIX simulator
          • i.4.3.2. Trace routines
        • i.4.four. Input and Output
        • 1.4.5. History and Bibliography
    • Chapter 2 – Information Structures
      • two.1. Introduction
      • ii.2. Linear Lists
        • 2.2.1. Stacks, Queues, and Deques
        • two.two.2. Sequential Resource allotment
        • two.2.three. Linked Allocation
        • 2.2.iv. Round Lists
        • 2.2.5. Doubly Linked Lists
        • 2.two.6. Arrays and Orthogonal Lists
      • 2.3. Copse
        • 2.3.ane. Traversing Binary Copse
        • two.three.ii. Binary Tree Representation of Trees
        • 2.3.3. Other Representations of Trees
        • 2.3.4. Basic Mathematical Backdrop of Trees
          • Costless trees
          • Oriented copse
          • 2.three.iv.3. The "infinity lemma"
          • 2.3.iv.4. Enumeration of trees
          • 2.iii.4.5. Path length
          • two.3.iv.half-dozen. History and bibliography
        • ii.3.5. Lists and Garbage Collection
      • 2.4. Multilinked Structures
      • 2.5. Dynamic Storage Allocation
      • ii.half-dozen. History and Bibliography
  • Volume 2 – Seminumerical Algorithms
    • Chapter three – Random Numbers
      • 3.1. Introduction
      • 3.ii. Generating Uniform Random Numbers
        • 3.2.ane. The Linear Congruential Method
          • iii.2.i.1. Choice of modulus
          • Choice of multiplier
          • three.2.1.3. Authorisation
        • 3.2.two. Other Methods
      • iii.three. Statistical Tests
        • 3.3.1. Full general Test Procedures for Studying Random Data
        • iii.3.2. Empirical Tests
        • 3.iii.three. Theoretical Tests
        • 3.3.4. The Spectral Exam
      • 3.four. Other Types of Random Quantities
        • 3.iv.1. Numerical Distributions
        • 3.four.2. Random Sampling and Shuffling
      • 3.five. What Is a Random Sequence?
      • 3.six. Summary
    • Chapter 4 – Arithmetics
      • 4.1. Positional Number Systems
      • iv.2. Floating Point Arithmetic
        • Unmarried-Precision Calculations
        • four.2.2. Accuracy of Floating Point Arithmetic
        • 4.2.three. Double-Precision Calculations
        • 4.ii.four. Distribution of Floating Indicate Numbers
      • 4.three. Multiple Precision Arithmetic
        • 4.3.1. The Classical Algorithms
        • 4.3.ii. Modular Arithmetic
        • 4.3.iii. How Fast Can We Multiply?
      • 4.4. Radix Conversion
      • 4.5. Rational Arithmetic
        • four.v.1. Fractions
        • 4.v.2. The Greatest Common Divisor
        • 4.5.three. Analysis of Euclid's Algorithm
        • 4.five.4. Factoring into Primes
      • 4.6. Polynomial Arithmetic
        • 4.6.1. Division of Polynomials
        • 4.6.2. Factorization of Polynomials
        • iv.six.3. Evaluation of Powers
        • 4.6.4. Evaluation of Polynomials
      • four.7. Manipulation of Power Series
  • Volume 3 – Sorting and Searching
    • Chapter five – Sorting
      • 5.1. Combinatorial Properties of Permutations
        • 5.1.1. Inversions
        • 5.1.two. Permutations of a Multiset
        • v.1.iii. Runs
        • Tableux and Involutions
      • 5.2. Internal sorting
        • 5.2.1. Sorting by Insertion
        • 5.2.2. Sorting by Exchanging
        • 5.ii.3. Sorting past Selection
        • 5.2.four. Sorting past Merging
        • v.2.5. Sorting by Distribution
      • five.3. Optimum Sorting
        • 5.iii.ane. Minimum-Comparison Sorting
        • 5.three.two. Minimum-Comparison Merging
        • 5.iii.iii. Minimum-Comparing Selection
        • 5.3.4. Networks for Sorting
      • v.iv. External Sorting
        • 5.4.1. Multiway Merging and Replacement Pick
        • 5.4.2. The Polyphase Merge
        • 5.four.three. The Cascade Merge
        • 5.4.iv. Reading Tape Backwards
        • 5.4.5. The Aquiver Sort
        • 5.4.half-dozen. Practical Considerations for Record Merging
        • 5.four.7. External Radix Sorting
        • 5.four.8. Two-Tape Sorting
        • 5.4.nine. Disks and Drums
      • 5.5. Summary, History, and Bibliography
    • Affiliate 6 – Searching
      • 6.1. Sequential Searching
      • 6.2. Searching by Perbandingan -- Keys
        • six.2.1. Searching an Ordered Table
        • 6.2.ii. Binary Tree Searching
        • 6.2.3. Counterbalanced Trees
        • 6.2.4. Multiway Trees
      • half dozen.3. Digital Searching
      • vi.four. Hashing
      • vi.v. Retrieval on Secondary Keys
  • Book 4A – Combinatorial Algorithms, Part ane
    • Chapter seven – Combinatorial Searching
      • 7.1. Zeros and Ones
        • 7.1.1. Boolean Basics
        • 7.1.2. Boolean Evaluation
        • Bitwise Tricks and Techniques
        • vii.1.4. Binary Decision Diagrams
      • 7.2. Generating All Possibilities
        • vii.2.1. Generating Basic Combinatorial Patterns
          • Generating all due north-tuples
          • seven.2.i.2. Generating all permutations
          • Generating all combinations
          • 7.two.1.4. Generating all partitions
          • 7.ii.1.five. Generating all set partitions
          • 7.2.1.half dozen. Generating all trees
          • History and further references

Outline of unpublished sections

  • Volume 4B, 4C, 4D
    • Mathematical Preliminaries Redux
    • Affiliate seven – Combinatorial Searching (cont'd)
      • vii.2. Generating all possibilities (cont'd)
        • 7.ii.2. Basic backtrack
          • vii.2.two.i. Dancing links
          • 7.two.two.two. Satisfiability
        • vii.two.iii. Efficient backtracking
      • 7.iii. Shortest paths
      • 7.four. Graph algorithms
        • vii.iv.1. Components and traversal
        • 7.iv.ii. Special classes of graphs
        • 7.4.3. Expander graphs
        • 7.four.iv. Random graphs
      • 7.5. Network algorithms
        • seven.5.1. Distinct representatives
        • 7.v.2. The assignment problem
        • vii.5.three. Network flows
        • 7.v.4. Optimum subtrees
        • 7.5.v. Optimum matching
        • 7.five.6. Optimum orderings
      • vii.6. Independence theory
        • 7.6.i. Independence structures
        • 7.six.2. Efficient matroid algorithms
      • Discrete dynamic programming
      • 7.eight. Branch-and-spring techniques
      • 7.9. Herculean tasks (aka NP-hard problems)
      • 7.x. Near-optimization
    • Chapter 8 – Recursion
  • Volume 5 – Syntactic Algorithms (as of 2011[update], estimated in 2020)
    • Chapter 9 – Lexical scanning (includes also cord search and data compression)
    • Affiliate 10 – Parsing techniques

English language editions

Current editions

These are the current editions in guild by volume number:

  • Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms. Third Edition (Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1997), twenty+650pp. ISBN 0-201-89683-4
  • Volume 1, Fascicle 1: MMIX -- A RISC Computer for the New Millennium. (Addison-Wesley, February 14, 2005) ISBN 0-201-85392-2 (volition be in the fourth edition of book 1)
  • Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms. Third Edition (Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1997), xiv+762pp. ISBN 0-201-89684-2
  • Volume iii: Sorting and Searching. Second Edition (Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1998), xiv+780pp.+foldout. ISBN 0-201-89685-0
  • Volume 4A: Combinatorial Algorithms, Part 1. First Edition (Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 2011), xv+883pp. ISBN 0-201-03804-8
  • The Art of Figurer Programming, Volumes i-4A Boxed Set 3rd Edition (Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 2011), 3168pp. ISBN 0-321-75104-3
  • Volume 4B, Pre-fascicle 5A: Mathematical Preliminaries Redux (bachelor for download)
  • Volume 4B, Pre-fascicle 6A: A (Very Incomplete) Draft of Section 7.two.two.2: Satisfiability (available for download)

Previous editions

Complete volumes

These volumes were superseded by newer editions and are in order past date.

  • Volume ane, first edition, 1968, xxi+634pp, ISBN 0-201-03801-3.
  • Volume 2, kickoff edition, 1969, eleven+624pp, ISBN 0-201-03802-ane.
  • Volume 3, first edition, 1973, xi+723pp+centerfold, ISBN 0-201-03803-Ten
  • Volume 1, second edition, 1973, xxi+634pp, ISBN 0-201-03809-ix.
  • Volume 2, second edition, 1981, xiii+ 688pp, ISBN 0-201-03822-6.


Volume iv's fascicles 0–iv were revised and published as Book 4A.

  • Volume four, Fascicle 0: Introduction to combinatorial algorithms and Boolean functions, (Addison-Wesley Professional person, April 28, 2008) half-dozen+240pp, ISBN 0-321-53496-4
  • Volume 4, Fascicle i: Bitwise tricks & techniques; Binary decision diagrams (Addison-Wesley Professional, March 27, 2009) viii+260pp, ISBN 0-321-58050-eight
  • Book four, Fascicle 2: Generating All tuples and permutations, (Addison-Wesley, February fourteen, 2005) v+127pp, ISBN 0-201-85393-0
  • Volume four, Fascicle 3: Generating all combinations and partitions. (Addison-Wesley, July 26, 2005) vi+150pp, ISBN 0-201-85394-9
  • Volume iv, Fascicle 4: Generating all trees—History of combinatorial generation, (Addison-Wesley, Feb 6, 2006) vi+120pp, ISBN 0-321-33570-8


  1. ^ The dedication was worded slightly differently in the beginning edition.


  1. ^ Donald J. Albers (2008). "Donald Knuth". In Donald J. Albers, Gerald L. Alexanderson. Mathematical People: Profiles and Interviews (2 ed.). A K Peters. ISBN 1-56881-340-6
  2. ^ Morrison, Philip; Morrison, Phylis (November–Dec 1999). "100 or so Books that shaped a Century of Science". American Scientist (Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Guild) 87 (6). Retrieved 2008-01-11
  3. ^ Lohr, Steve (2001-12-17). "Frances E. Holberton, 84, Early Computer Programmer". The New York Times . Retrieved 2010-05-17.

Run into also

  • Introduction to Algorithms


  • Slater, Robert (1987). Portraits in Silicon. MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-19262-iv.
  • Shasha, Dennis; Cathy Lazere (1995). Out of Their Minds: The Lives and Discoveries of 15 Nifty Reckoner Scientists. Copernicus. ISBN 0-387-97992-i.

External links

  • Overview of topics (Knuth's personal homepage)
  • Oral history interview with Donald E. Knuth at Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Knuth discusses software patenting, structured programming, collaboration and his development of TeX. The oral history discusses the writing of The Art of Computer Programming.
  • "Robert W Floyd, In Memoriam", by Donald E. Knuth -(on the influence of Bob Floyd){broken link}
  • Who is Pecker Gosper? (on the influence of Neb Gosper on the 2nd Edition of Volume 2.)
  • TAoCP and its Influence of Computer Science(Softpanorama)

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Tags: The Art of Computer Programming, Ilmu Komputer, 3077, The Art of Computer Programming The Art of Reckoner Programming Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms Writer(s) Donald Knuth Country United states of america Language English Genre(s) Non fiction Publisher Addison Wesley Publication date 1968 Media type Print ( Hardcover ) Pages 634 ISBN 201 03801 3 The Art of Computer Programming (sometimes known by its initials TAOCP ) is a comprehensive monograph written by, The Art of Computer Programming, Bahasa Republic of indonesia, Contoh Instruksi, Tutorial, Referensi, Buku, Petunjuk kuliahkaryawan,

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