It's been eleven years since the Emmy-winning animated show King of the Hill's finale and thanks to the internet, it lives on in uproarious memes. Hank, Peggy, Bobby, Dale, and Luanne have given fans countless funny images and memes over the years that have been posted, shared, and re-posted.

Not only has Hank Hill's penchant for saying "h'wat" and "vidya games" seeped into the everyday internet vernacular, but just about every scene has meme potential that just won't let up. But which of these memes are the funniest?

10 Luanne Is A Proud, Ignorant Woman!

King Of The Hill Memes

Luanne Platter has had so many hilarious gaffs and one-liners throughout King of the Hill's 13 seasons, and thanks to her lack of intellect, the internet has been gifted with some great Luanne memes.

One such great meme is the one where she's looking through the classifieds section of the newspaper and realizes that she's not qualified for any of the jobs, saying that they're "racist to people with no skills." She doesn't know any better so it's classic Luanne to substitute "racist" for "discrimination."

9 Bobby Needs Someone To Send Him A Sign

Astrology memes have gained a lot of traction and a kind of "gateway drug" to them are memes that comment on God or some other higher power sending someone a sign when they need help.

In the case of King of the Hill, there are probably countless moments from the show that could showcase someone begging someone to send them a sign, but none encapsulate the feeling as well as Bobby in the above meme, where we see him ignoring the help he asked for.

8 Dale Gribble Doesn't Trust The Government

Tumblr may not be the culturally relevant website that it once was, but a good amount of the memes found on Reddit and Twitter can still be traced back to the original site's iconic blog posts and reblogs.

For this particularly hilarious meme, someone asks a general question about the reader's trust in the government on a scale from Katniss Evergreen to Ned Stark. A King of the Hill fan schools the original blogger by replying with the one true anti-government character: Dale Gribble.

7 Conflict In Literature: King Of The Hill Style

When cartoonist Grant Snider created this cartoon, he may or may not have known that the internet would grab hold and do what it does best. When it came to King of the Hill, the show's popular Reddit page has the most perfect and hilarious "Conflict In Literature" alignment chart.

From Peggy Hill overcoming her repressed nature in the Man vs. Self panel to Nancy Gribble shouting "WHY, SUG?!" to the sky in Man vs. God, all of the different, hilarious aspects of the show are accounted for.

6 Powerful Shaggy Vs Bobby Hill

A couple of years ago, a meme came out that was all about how Shaggy from Scooby-Doo is actually an omnipotent and all-powerful being who could not only send Daphne to the Dark Place (wherever that may be, Daphne won't tell us) but also defeat Thanos.

However, in the above meme, we find out that Shaggy had maybe met his match in Bobby Hill. The meme of Bobby screaming "that's my purse! I don't know you!" is legendary, but this version makes it even better.

5 Hank With The Twisted Tea

This KotHmeme is a take on the Twisted Tea incident that happened just a few months ago. In a viral video, two men in a store get into an altercation which ended with one man knocking the other out with a large can of the alcoholic drink, called Twisted Tea.

In this particular meme, we see a bill collector come to Hank's door and instead of a 9-iron, Hank reaches for a Twisted Tea to threaten the man. A simple but effectively funny meme.

4 Nobody Wants Internet Explorer

No matter how much Microsoft tries to rebrand its web browser, nobody wants to use Internet Explorer or its successors. Sorry Bill Gates, it's just a fact. And with the general public's disdain comes plenty of memes that dunk on how inferior Internet Explorer is compared to other browsers like Chrome or Firefox.

For King of the Hill fans, there's this humorous scene from the show where Bobby (as Internet Explorer) and Luanne (as Firefox) are tanning outside, Luanne gets hit on, and Bobby thinks it's directed at him.

3 Hank Hill Listens To WAP

King of the Hill's Hank listens to music with horror on his face

There is an excellent Twitter page that inserts different songs into a scene fromKing of the Hillwhere Hank listens to Bobby's music and becomes horrified before ripping the headphones off and exclaiming that it's "all toilet sounds!"

While there are many great songs that have been used, the most current and hilarious one is the meme where Hank Hill Listens To "WAP" by Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion. The song is so filthy and it's hilarious to see Hank listen to it.

2 Attack On Hill

Believe it or not,King of the Hillhas a wide Japanese audience and here in the states, it's even become a meme in and of itself with folks on the internet calling it an anime and photoshopping pictures of Hank Hill as Goku or JoJo.

In a piece of fan art that originated on DeviantArt, we see Hank as a member of the Survey Corps confronting Titan versions of Bill and Dale and of course, Hank uses propane in his Three Dimensional Maneuver Gear.

1 Propane Genesis Evangelion

Hank and Peggy Hill sit on the beach from End of Evangelion and look out at Bobby's enormous profile

Speaking ofKing of the Hilland anime, there is no better meme that brings the two together than an impeccable Youtube video where the entire opening of the animeNeon Genesis Evangelionis redone using characters and clips from the American show.

As "A Cruel Angel's Thesis" plays, the formula for propane replaces the Tree of Life, and flashes of various catchphrases from the show cuts into the scenes. The video is well-done, clever, and absolutely hilarious to fans of both of these shows.

NEXT: King Of The Hill: 10 Storylines The Series Completely Forgot About